Homesteaders by day, Survivalists by night

How to Prepare Your Home Front for the Next Disaster
What if we could be better prepared for the inevitable next disaster? Equipping your home to be a bastion against hazards is one of the first major steps in disaster planning. Let's go through some key elements that will help you in crafting your own disaster preparedness plan.

How to Be Self Sufficient and Live Off-Grid
Looking to live off-grid and be self-sufficient? In our latest blog post we take a look at the few first steps to consider when gearing up for off-grid living.

Renting a Homestead
Renting homesteads has become more popular in today’s day and age and gives you the unique opportunity of testing out the homesteading/off-grid lifestyle before delving into it full force. Learn more about the pros and cons of renting versus buying a homestead, how to rent a homestead, and whether it may be the right option for you.

Top Healthy Habits for Preppers
By nature, preppers are planners and thinkers, so it’s no surprise they would prioritize having healthy habits in place. In this post, we’ll break down the top healthy habits for preppers. By learning more about various healthy routines preppers thrive on, you can develop your own and figure out what works for you!

Best Homesteading Podcasts
Not much of a reader and prefer to learn in an auditory way? Then podcasts are a great option! However, with thousands available, it can be overwhelming to choose from. We’ve listed the top homesteading podcasts we recommend and a brief description about each so you can find a few that align with your goals as a homesteader.

How Hunting Benefits Your Mind and Body
Since the beginning of time, hunting has been necessary to sustain mankind. As time has gone on, hunting has proven to be more than just a chore, but a hobby and sport that not only brings enjoyment but an abundance of health benefits. Read our post to understand the deeper aspect of how hunting affects your mind and body.

Homesteading 101
Homesteading can be daunting . There are a lot of layers to homesteading, and you might be wondering where to start. We want to provide you with some homesteading 101 basics so you can firmly plant your feet into the soil that is homesteading and confidently grow in your skills.

The Best Food Storage Options for Preppers
Which canned foods should we stock up on without sacrificing our budget and health? We’ve got you covered with the best food storage options.

The Best Homesteading Blogs
How do you know which homesteading blogs are the best and most accurate? In this post, we’ll list some of the best blogs about homesteading so that you can rest assured that you’re tapping into the most relevant information.

How to Survive Without Toilet Paper
There are plenty of toilet paper alternatives out there (some more conventional than others…) that you’ll want to know about in case “you know what” hits the fan.

How to Explain Cryptocurrency to Your Mom
Explaining cryptocurrency to your mother doesn’t have to be a headache. Here are some tips to help get the conversation going.

What Are Meme Coins?
What are meme coins? We define the term, explore some of the more common coins, and investigate the potential and risks of investing in meme coins.

How to Make Money With NFTs
NFTs are all the rage, but can you really make money off these things? Why yes you can, if you play your digital cards right. …here are a few ways to do just that.

Bitcoin Explained: Everything A Beginner Needs to Know
What is Bitcoin? We break down the leading cryptocurrency, its history, its uses, and whether or not it’s a safe investment in an already unstable financial future.

Gun Safety 101
Guns are powerful survival tools. They’re also very dangerous. Here are 3 golden rules when it comes to gun safety.

The Next Big Crypto You Didn’t See Coming
What is the next big crypto? We make the case that it can be found right in the burgeoning metaverse …in Decentraland, to be precise.

Prepping 101: Neighborhood Edition
Prepping can be a solitary path, but the prepping activities don’t always have to revolve around a one-man show. You can also invite your neighbors in on the action. Here is a brief blueprint for how you can do just that as you seek to transform your local neighborhood into a post-apocalyptic safe haven.

Applying Pandemic Lessons to Future Prepping
It doesn’t matter what your opinion is on politics and pandemics alike — everyone agrees that crises are going to happen from time to time. Here are a few physical, mental, and emotional takeaways from the past couple of years that can be used to prep for whatever melodramatics the future may hold.

Bug Out Bag Basics: The Essential Items for a Survival Emergency Kit
Bug out bags are designed to carry only the essentials and help you survive the worst, most unexpected situations.
Let’s go over what you should and shouldn’t carry in your bug out bag and how you can pack one accordingly.

Hatchet vs. Knife: Which Is Better for Survival?
Most preppers on the internet swear by a sturdy knife for its light weight and portability, but a trusty hatchet without a doubt has some advantages you’d be sorry to go without!
Both are crucial tools to have on hand during a survival situation, which is why this perplexing question continues to keep preppers up at night.
So, which is the winner? Let’s weigh the pros and cons of each before deciding, shall we?