Homesteaders by day, Survivalists by night

What is Companion Planting and How Can It Help Your Homestead?

Prepping 101: How to Turn into a Prepper Overnight

Water Storage: The Ultimate Guide on How To Stockpile H20
If you can keep a decent amount of water on hand for an emergency, you’ll be able to stay well-hydrated, even when the lights go out and the city-water dries up.

Best Homestead Animals: What Are Your Options and How to Choose
Animals can provide a homesteader with endless benefits!

Food Preservation: The Best Ways to Store Food for an Emergency
Relying on commercial businesses to provide food for your family in times of emergencies can be unreliable. That’s why storing your own food, whether it be from your homestead or a produce stand down the road, is always a good idea.

The 5 laws for Homesteading on a budget
We’ve got some good news for you. You can absolutely engage in frugal homesteading on a budget.

Prepping on a Budget

How to Set Up a Hugelkultur Garden Bed

Lasagna Gardening 101

9 Frugal Homesteading Ideas
Whether you’re just figuring out how to start homesteading or you’re an old pro, there are always new activities that you can take on in order to save money right from the comfort of your homefront.

Where To Go In An Emergency

How to Prepare for a Quarantine in an Apartment

15 Ways to Start an Urban Garden
It doesn’t matter what your particular situation is, there’s almost always a way for a city dweller to get into urban agriculture.

What is Urban Gardening?
Urban gardens are an amazing way to bring the power and majesty of nature right into the heart of the stone-cold city.

What is Homesteading?

What is Prepping?
Being a prepper boils down to the mentality and motivation behind your activities.

You Might Get Sick – and That's Okay: Breaking Down the Coronavirus

A Coronavirus Survival Guide

Raising Chickens: The Definitive Guide For Backyard Chickens
Consider this a mashup of the entire chicken experience.